Surgical correction of major aesthetic deformities of the abdomen (what is colloquially called “skirt”).
There are three factors which can coexist at the root of this problem, and it often happens due to:
– A significant diastasis (separation) of the rectus abdominis muscles, especially common in women who, after pregnancies, have not made the necessary recovery exercises or gained much weight during the same.
This is solved by performing a dissection of the anterior abdominal wall showing the muscular plane, which is sutured by a medial plication of the same.
– Excess of adipose tissue (fat) which causes the appearance of a “skirt” infra-umbilical, which is also removed during the same operation.
– Excess skin (most often flaccid and striae), which accompanies the excess fat, is also removed along with it.
All this leads to a lower, arched scar, drawn from right to left, which is hidden by underwear, and another around the navel, resulting in a change of its position (umbilical transposition).
In either of these cases, it is often desirable to associate liposuction of the flanks, in order to achieve a better cosmetic result either during surgery, before or after. This depends on each case.
The type of anesthesia may be general or epidural. The patient will wear a suction drain during the hospitalization. The operating time is usually about 120 minutes, with a hospital stay of between 3 to 5 days.
During the postoperative period, a compression garment must be worn for approximately three weeks. You must rest during the first 15 days, but not in bed, as it is essential to move so as not to not slow down blood circulation. The sutures of the navel and horizontal incision are removed after 15 days.
It is important to highlight that like any other surgery of large flaps, this procedure presents significant risks for patients who are heavy smokers. It is therefore necessary for smokers to rethink this habit during the weeks before and after the intervention, in order to be able to take part.
Indeed. Usually for 2 days.
After 2 to 3 weeks.
Yes, with the new technique only for approx. 10 days.